Support and Resources

Empower your journey with our comprehensive support hub, offering user and video manuals and FAQs designed to resolve queries and enhance your experience with our app.

User manual

Access essential insights at your fingertips by downloading our user manual in PDF format. This guide will illuminate the diverse features and settings of our application, ensuring a seamless and intuitive user experience.

Video manuals
How to create a new user

How to create a new user

This video manual shows how to create a new user and how to set permission assignments in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.

How to approve time

How to approve time

This video manual shows how to create a new user and how to set permission assignments in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.

Time Tracking

Time Tracking

This video manual shows how to use time tracking in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.



Learn how dashboards look like in Proxiuss Project+.

Personal Resource Planner

Personal Resource Planner

Personal Resource Planner is a tool for employees to plan their time availability.



Learn more how to set up phases which split the project into many steps before creating the tasks in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.

Task Assignment

Task Assignment

How to assign a task to the employee in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.



Learn more how to use reports in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.

Main Task

Main Task

How to create main task in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.



Learn how to create subtask in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.



How to start a new project in project management application PROXIUSS PROJECT+.

Resource Planner

Resource Planner

Learn how to use resource planner. Resource Planning is a crucial process for managers, that involves assigning tasks to team members based on their capacity, skill sets, and suitability for the job at hand for twelve weeks ahead.

Frequently Asked Questions
About Proxiuss Project+
What is Proxiuss Project+?

Proxiuss Project+ is a project management application built on Salesforce, designed to help teams efficiently plan, execute, and monitor their projects.

What are the key features of Proxiuss Project+?

Key features encompass task management, timeline visualization, time tracking, resource management, team collaboration, file sharing, progress monitoring, and reporting.

Is Proxiuss Project+ suitable for small businesses and large enterprises alike?

Yes, Proxiuss Project+ is built to meet the requirements of both small teams and large organizations.

How does Proxiuss Project+ handle team collaboration?

Proxiuss Project+ enables team members to collaborate on tasks, exchange files, and communicate through its messaging tool, Chater, all within the platform.

What types of projects is Proxiuss Project+ suitable for?

Proxiuss Project+ is versatile and can be used for various projects, including software development, marketing campaigns, construction, and event planning.

What pricing plans are available for Proxiuss Project+?

We offer different pricing plans to accommodate various team sizes and needs. You can find detailed pricing information on our website: Pricing.

What security measures are in place to protect my data in Proxiuss Project+?

Salesforce offers a solid and extensive array of security capabilities for applications built natively on its platform, aiming to safeguard data, users, and applications. For additional information, visit:

Is there a free version of Proxiuss Project+?

Definitely! We provide a free initial month for you to try it out.: Pricing.

Starting with Proxiuss Project+
How can I get started with Proxiuss Project+?

Sign up on our website to start using Proxiuss Project+ right away.

Is there a mobile app available for Proxiuss Project+?

Proxiuss Project+ is accessible on the Salesforce mobile app for both iOS and Android devices, allowing you to manage your projects anytime, anywhere.

Can I import data from my existing project management tool into Proxiuss Project+?

Yes, Salesforce provides various tools and methods for importing data into its platform, depending on your specific needs and the volume of data you want to import (Data Import Wizard, Data Loader, Data Import Templates and more).

Is customer support available for Proxiuss Project+?

Yes, we offer customer support via email, during business hours. We also have an extensive knowledge base and tutorials to assist users at web page: Support

Can I integrate Proxiuss Project+ with other tools and software my team uses?

Yes, Proxiuss Project+ integrations is possible with many tools. For more information about integration feel free to contact us.

Ready to get started?

Let´s talk how Proxiuss Project+ can help you.